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What's in #theRishiGuarantee?




Rishi has already implemented a web-based system through which Spartans can send direct feedback, suggestions, or questions to ASB. He will establish a regularly scheduled session, where students, sports teams, and clubs alike can readily and easily communicate with the ASB in an official context. He will also create a communication outlet where student voice can be effectively brought to ISD School Board and State Board of Education meetings.


Rishi pledges to continue furthering the movement for city-wide sustainability, starting with systems in Skyline. He will implement policies he has been developing to minimize Skyline’s carbon output and maximize its energy efficiency. These policies will go, with significant weight, in the new policy document Rishi implemented in the new ASB Constitution. Rishi hopes to follow the model set by the Mercer Island School District in Resolution 681. Rishi would also like to implement an approval system for posters, so only meaningful items are hung up in our school with minimum waste.

Rishi will set up snack stations across Skyline during stressful times like finals, for Spartans to grab a quick treat during passing periods. Additionally, Rishi would like to bring back social lunches to Skyline, allowing students to interact with peers who share common passions. Students can also develop stronger ties with the Skyline teachers and staff through social lunches!

Rishi will relax club requirements, so they can focus on their interests and members. He plans to do so by pairing each Club with an ASB representative who will help update official documentation and will manage that club's Purchase Orders, Facility Requests, and Fundraisers. Having the point person will ensure that clubs get quick responses for time-sensitive issues or questions. For Clubs that are forced to frequently cancel club meetings, Rishi will establish a substitute-advisor program.


Giving back to our community is important to us. Rishi will organize partnerships between Skyline and community organizations (i.e. assisted living centers) so Spartans can do their part in the Issaquah/Sammamish communities. Rishi would also like to plan inter-district social events, to develop a greater student community in Issaquah and Sammamish.

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